#Halloween #Part #IV

#Halloween #Part #IV

As per legend, Stingy Jack was unable to enter hell or heaven, and a burning coal in a carved out turnip was supposed to light his way. This tradition changed when turnips were replaced by pumpkins, as with many other traditions, for convenience and due to ease of carving pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns to mark the celebration of All Hollow's Eve, or in other words, Halloween Day.

If interested to read the rest of this story, please check out this link:


#Pope #Christian #Medieval #Soul #Souling #Trick #Treat #Pumpkin #Halloween #Val-U-Pro #Consulting #Group #llc #AmmaEcosystem #AAAAMegaEcosystem #MegaEcosystem #Ecosystem #AAAA #Amma #Celtic #SSK #SrikanthSKidambi #KSSrikanth #Sri #Kanth #Kant #Khan #Kann #Koon #5KAcademy #WomenDeDao #WeGet #University #Hollow #Eve #jack-o-lantern #jack #lantern #igif


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